This is Me: February 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Carrie Busey Elementary School - Playground Supervisor

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus!

FYI - i recently started working at CBES as a Playground Supervisor. this past week was difficult (something about all the hype and candy that Valentine's Day brings in), and just adjusting to working with elementary kids in itself has challenging, but i am beginning to enjoy it. with how difficult it can get, each day can only get better as i depend on God more. i feel bad for my coworker, cuz it seems to be getting more difficult for her. i have a ton of stories already, and i'm sure i'll have a ton more, but here's one that's heavy on God's heart; which makes it heavy my heart:

i asked for more work at Carrie Busey Elementary School since i only playground supervise 1 hour, but they pay me for 2. they asked me to read with kids in one of the 1st grade classes every morning. here's what happened at the end of my very first reading time:

kid: what's that?
me: 10, for minutes you read with me. you did a good job today!
kid: what about that 2 16?
me: that is today's date, because we read today. February 16th.
kid: oh. my mom gets out in April.
me: what do you mean?
kid: she's been in jail, she gets out in April.
me: (cry!)'ll be good to see her again soon huh?

he is in first grade and his teacher says he reads well, but he doesnt read much at home so he isnt confident in his abilities. encourage him a lot.

God, why do you remind me so clearly that i need to die to myself and love You so that they can be loved too? i do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!

By His grace and mercy,