This is Me: Jeremiah 29, Growing through God's Discipline

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jeremiah 29, Growing through God's Discipline

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus!

Jeremiah 29, Growing through God's Discipline by Pastor Doctor Steve Lee (07.26.2006)

In Jeremiah 2, God attempts to remind the Israelites about their good time together; wandering in the desert seemed so difficult physically, but God was with them.

Jeremiah 29 Why exile?
from my friend's Xanga:
i notice this in the course of Israelite history too. it's when things are well, when they are in that place flowing with milk and honey that they forget to walk in the way of the Lord, they forget they need Him, they think they can handle their own way on their own. and before they know it, they're in captivity and realize just how sweet of a place it would have been IF ONLY they had walked in obedience with God. and it happens over and over again, that God gives them over to their desires, just to let them realize that their desires aren't what they really want, but what they wanted and needed was that sweet, relentless loving mercy of their Savior, their Redeemer.

it makes me wonder, when times are difficult, what is God trying to show or teach me? when times are dry, am i aware He is with me?

when times are "good" am i still seeking Him?

GOOD stuff!

Peace and Grace be within and about you!


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