This is Me: Spider-man 2: convictions of a superhero of Christ (part two)

Friday, December 10, 2004

Spider-man 2: convictions of a superhero of Christ (part two)

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

click here to see PART ONE here .

[Peter Parker has chosen to live his life. By his own wisdom, he gives up Spider-man because he only sees the hurt people he loves will have to endure knowing the truth. Aunt May rebukes him with the Truth, which points not to our selfish wisdom, but points selflessly to others (Matthew 22:39).]
Aunt May: Kids like Henry need a hero. Courageous, self-sacrificing people; setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero...The one that taught them to hold on a second longer. I believe there's a hero in all of us; that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we want most. Even our dreams...he needs him.

iBboy81 (1:25:28 PM): i may take a nap
iBboy81 (1:25:36 PM): or watch more spider-man 2
SMILEy PriS sy (1:25:48 PM): haha
SMILEy PriS sy (1:25:53 PM): spiderman 2 is so cheesy
SMILEy PriS sy (1:25:54 PM): omg
SMILEy PriS sy (1:25:56 PM): so corny
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:06 PM): but a lotta guys like maybe u'll like it too
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:09 PM): too early for a nap
iBboy81 (1:26:10 PM): no way, dude it's awesome
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:14 PM): watever
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:17 PM): SO corny
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:20 PM): he duzn't say anything
iBboy81 (1:26:30 PM): but the story says a lot
SMILEy PriS sy (1:26:30 PM): like..the script is so fake
iBboy81 (1:26:42 PM): well it is a comic book movie
iBboy81 (1:27:35 PM): the coRniness is worth the parallels it has to the Christian fight
iBboy81 (1:29:19 PM): just look harder into the deeper meaning of things
iBboy81 (1:32:43 PM): doesnt that make you wanna watch it again?
SMILEy PriS sy (1:39:02 PM): the girls says 'i love u" and he says "thank u"
SMILEy PriS sy (1:39:09 PM): it duzn't make any sense
SMILEy PriS sy (1:39:12 PM): watever

MJ: I love you. [Peter can barely hold in his his desire for her love] So here I am, standing in your doorway. I've always been standing in your doorway. [MJ touches Peter's face] Isn't it about time somebody saved your life? [long breath taking pause] Well, say something.
Peter: Thank you, Mary Jane Watson. [they kiss; theme music begins; sirens; look into each others eyes; MJ smiles; Peter pauses]
MJ: Go get them, tiger. [Peter smiles; theme music escalates; exit Spider-man; MJ moves from love to fear]
[MJ rescues Peter. All along, Peter thought he was saving others... ("For God so loved the world...") How can he respond with love without awknowledging who he was? He was selfish and prideful...he was in need of a Savior. Peter's thankfulness shows that realization.]

God really spoke to me the first time i saw this movie. everytime i watch it i see more of God's love, how much He is chasing after us and my desire to fight increases. no wonder this is my first DVD!

if you want to see it, i will prayerfully watch it again with you.

By His grace and mercy,


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